沈燕, 旅美钢琴家, 美国Kawai签约艺术家,美国休斯顿大学摩尔斯音乐学院钢琴演奏博士(Artist Diploma)及音乐艺术学 (Doctoral of Musical Arts) 双博士学位获得者。在国内先后师从朱元贞教授, 李杨教授, 赵晓生教授, 卡丽娜·波波娃教授,陈婉教授。在美期间,沈燕师从美国著名钢琴家Timothy Hester。沈燕女士曾任教于广州星海音乐学院,现任职于美国休斯顿大学音乐学院,并担任香港城市交响乐团驻团艺术家,休斯顿北方交响乐团驻团艺术家,且长期任教于香港国际协奏曲比赛及音乐节。

沈燕以钢琴独奏家及室内乐演奏家的身份不断活跃在世界舞台上。她的演奏遍布数十个国家和地区, 其中包括世界闻名的纽约卡内基音乐厅、摩尔斯歌剧院、法国驻休斯敦总领事馆、香港大会堂、荃湾大会堂、澳门演艺学院、广州星海音乐厅, 长沙音乐厅等等。沈燕曾在哥伦比亚、法国、瑞士、韩国及加拿大等多个国际音乐节上演奏,并长期受聘为美国德州音乐节首席钢琴家。 与此同时,她在美国哥伦比亚艺术学院,美国印第安纳州埃文斯韦尔大学,美国达拉斯西南浸会大学,中国兰州师范大学等等国内外多所艺术院校受邀举办独奏会及大师课。沈燕女士曾受邀于香港中西区政府文化部,在香港市政厅举办的庆祝香港回归音乐会上表演钢琴独奏,并受湖南演艺集团邀请举办“燕归来”系列独奏音乐会等等。

与沈燕女士合作的音乐家包括:Vagram Sarajian 、Eric Varner 、David Campbell、叶树涵、Sydney Carlson 、Marie Pallot 、Lyda Chen-Argerich 。合作演奏过钢琴协奏曲的乐团包括有香港城市交响乐团,休斯顿北方交响乐团,广州星海音乐学院交响乐团,长沙交响乐团等。

2015年5月 沈燕出版并发行古典钢琴独奏专辑Fantasy | Sonata | Elegy, 世界顶级乐评杂志《号角》(《Fanfare》) 评价她对极高难度的作品演奏 “清晰、准确、适度和游刃有余”,认为她演奏的美国当代作曲家Roger Sessions的第三钢琴奏鸣曲是“到目前为止水平最高、音乐表达最完美的演奏”, 并称沈燕女士为 “一位卓越而严肃的音乐家”。

沈燕的2019-2021音乐季音乐会包括,与法国小提琴家Marie Pallot“玛雅“二重奏组合的美国与中国巡演,与法国皇家五重奏的法国及中国巡演,以及意大利音乐节”Costa Smeralda”中与乐队合作钢琴协奏曲(同时受邀的还有波哥雷里奇和祖克曼),   以及与美国德州现代作曲家联盟合作世界首演12首委约钢琴独奏作品等等。


Yan Shen

YAN SHEN, Pianist, Shigeru Artist 

Fanfare Magazine lauded Yan Shen’s performances on her solo album, FANTASY|SONATA|ELEGY, for “bravura,” “flair,” “subtlety,” “clarity,” “intellectual curiosity,” “sensitivity,” “technical prowess,” and many more glowing terms pointing to her nuanced and mature artistry.

Formerly a tenured piano faculty member of the Guang Zhou Conservatory of Music, China (2005-2010), Yan Shen, holds a DMA in Collaborative Piano and Artist Diploma in Solo Piano Performance from the University of Houston’s Moores School of Music (studio of renowned pedagogue Timothy Hester). Prior to her studies in the United States Ms. Shen received a M.M. in Piano Performance at Wu Han Conservatory of Music in China, and a B.M. from the Guang Zhou Conservatory of Music.

Dr. Shen is a prize winner in numerous international competitions, including American Protégé International Concerto Competition; Guang Zhou International Piano Competition; Beijing First International Piano Competition; Beijing National Young Artist Piano Competition, among others.

As a prize winner, Dr. Shen has performed solo and chamber recitals internationally, including at: Carnegie Hall, NYC; Xing Hai Concert Hall, Wu Han Concert Hall, Qing Dao Concert Hall, Changsha Concert Hall, Hunan Concert Hall, China; Hong Kong City Hall, among others. She has also given performances at numerous music festivals, including: the Texas Music Festival, USA; the Bellas Artes Music festival, Colombia; the “Polyphony” Music Festival, France; the Basel Music Festival, Switzerland; the Olympic Music Festival, Korea. As a complement to her performance appearances, Dr. Shen has been invited by international music schools and institutions to give master classes and recitals, including the Schumann Piano School and Grotrian Piano Company (Germany), and Bellas Artes University in Medellin, Colombia; Evansville University, Indiana USA; Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou, China.

Dr. Shen has collaborated with leading concert artists and ensembles, including: David Campbell; Eric Varner; Sydney Carlson, Marie Pallot, Lyda-Chen Argerich, Vagram Saradjian, Shuhan Ye, string musicians from Houston Symphony and Houston Opera/Ballet, etc.  She has also performed as a soloist with numerous orchestras, including: the Guang Zhou Symphony Orchestra and Choir; the Hong Kong Metropolitan Pop Orchestra; the Xing Hai Conservatory Symphony Orchestra, Hunan State Symphony Orchestra, China, among others.

As a soloist and chamber musician, Dr. Shen has given concert tours in China, Europe and the USA, including with the MAYA DUO, which Dr. Shen founded in 2017 with French violinist Marie Pallot. During the 2019-2022 seasons, Dr. Shen gave solo recitals at the Texas Music Festival, Hong Kong City Hall, Kawai Piano Gallery in Houston, Bravura Concert Series and Memorial concert Series in Houston, Hunan Concert Hall, Changsha Concert Hall, and Ningxiang Concert Hall in China. Dr. Shen also world premiered12 piano solo pieces with Texas New Music Ensemble. She also had one of the two leading main roles of the short film “The 13th Note,” which has won numerous international film competitions, including the Best Original Music of London Independent Festival and 4th Dimension Independent Film Festival in Chili.

Dr. Shen is a resident artist of the HK Metropolitan Orchestra, on the piano faculty of Hong Kong International Concerto/Ensemble Competition and Festival and works at the Moores School of Music, University of Houston.Type your paragraph here.